Ramsey Painting Contractors Inc. Painting Gallery

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Painting Tips

  • Keeping Track of Paint Colors - Some paint colors are so close that it can be difficult to match your previously painted Tucson, Sierra Vista and Green Valley area home or business with the paint at the store when you need to repair scratches or touch up the surface. If you keep track of the color in a notebook or on the paint can, there is still a danger that you will lose your note keeping device in the months that it can take before repainting is necessary.

  • Using Paint Primer - One of the reasons that many Tucson, Sierra Vista and Green Valley amateur paint jobs end up looking dull or listless once they are dry is that the painter fails to use a primer before applying the first coat of paint. Primer is actually one of the most important parts of the process. It keeps stains or imperfections from the deeper layers of the wall from showing through your paint, helps your paint to spread evenly to the wall without significant blisters and increases the time between paint jobs.